Systemize High-Quality Lead Generation With Cold Email

We'll get 5 - 25 Qualified Appointments in 60 days on a Performance Basis

Performance Based

Are You Currently
Struggling With

Many businesses struggle with the following issues

High Acquisition Cost

Struggling with high costs and poor leads? At Emtoss, pay only for booked appointments. Our targeted emails ensure quality leads. Ready to boost growth? Let’s book 5-15 monthly appointments for you!

Limited Lead Flow

Frustrated with inconsistent leads? Emtoss delivers high-quality, qualified prospects through targeted cold emails. We reach decision-makers so your team can focus on closing deals. Let’s boost conversions!

Inconsistent lead quality

Is your sales pipeline low on leads? Emtoss fills it with high-quality prospects through targeted cold emails. We focus on decision-makers, ensuring steady growth and valuable appointments.

Why Choose Us

Performance-Based Model

Pay only for results, ensuring a cost-effective approach to lead generation. You invest in tangible outcomes like booked appointments, minimizing financial risk.

Targeted Outreach Campaigns

Our data-driven cold email campaigns reach the right decision-makers in your target market, increasing engagement and conversion rates.

High-Quality Leads

Receive well-qualified, relevant leads that match your ideal customer profile. This means your sales team can focus on closing deals rather than filtering through unqualified prospects.

Expertise and Experience

Leverage our specialized knowledge and experience in lead generation and cold emailing to maximize your campaign’s effectiveness and ROI.

Time and Resource Efficiency

Free up your internal resources by outsourcing lead generation to us. This allows your team to concentrate on core business activities and closing sales.

Continuous Optimization

Benefit from ongoing monitoring, reporting, and optimization of your campaigns to ensure sustained performance improvements and better results over time.

Performance Basis

The Transformation

This is the 3-Step process we use to achieve 5-25 Qualified Appointments for you


Begin with a discovery call to discuss your goals, target market, and challenges. We’ll perform a detailed assessment to understand how our services can support you best. Based on our discussion, we’ll provide a customized proposal outlining our strategy and expected outcomes.


We’ll conduct thorough research to identify your ideal customer profiles, ensuring precise targeting. Our experts will then craft personalized and compelling cold email campaigns. After your approval of the strategy and content, we’ll launch the campaign to start generating leads.


Expect to receive 5-15 qualified appointments monthly, providing a steady flow of high-quality leads. We’ll track campaign performance with regular reports and continuously optimize based on data to enhance results over time, ensuring ongoing improvements.

What's Included

So how does Emtoss book 5-25 meetings directly into your calender?

Customized Campaign Development

At Emtoss, we develop customized campaigns through deep market research, personalized messaging, and ongoing optimization to maximize engagement and conversions.

Cold Email Optimization

We do weekly new scripts, and continuous optimization to maximize engagement and conversions - using real time data

24/7 Slack Access

At Emtoss, we develop customized campaigns through deep market research, personalized messaging, and ongoing optimization to maximize engagement and conversions.

Hey, I’m Liam 👋

Hi there! I’m Liam, a 19-year-old college student from Ireland who’s passionate about coffee, eggs, and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu—yes, a bit of a quirky mix! I run a lead generation agency while juggling my college studies, which keeps me on my toes.I ventured into the business world about a year ago, diving into entrepreneurship with a lot of enthusiasm but initially faced setbacks. After two failed attempts, I’m thrilled to say that the third time has proven to be the charm. I learned a lot from those early failures, and they’ve shaped my approach to business.


Here's some common questions I get from clients

Emtoss’s performance-based model means you only pay for the results we deliver - this means you’re investing in tangible outcomes that directly contribute to your business growth.

We focus on delivering high-quality leads by only contacting people that can afford your stuff and you can help the most

We only work with Digital Marketing Agencies

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